Ways to Help
Want To Give Back? There are many ways to give:
Patients and their families often thank us for improving their quality of life. They tell us they appreciate us for helping to reduce the physical and emotional pain, for providing them with ongoing support, and for making it possible for them to enjoy their precious time with loved ones.
Offer A Tribute
For those who want to give back, we help you do some planning that can result in big tax savings and provide you with a lasting tribute to someone you love who has died. Your gift will then help us to provide a support system for someone who is sick today. Every gift to Alliance Hospice Care is acknowledged, regardless of how large or small…
Contact us at alliancehospicenewton@gmail.com
Share Your Story
By sharing your own story, other families struggling with an advanced illness might be inspired to call us and get the care they need. Write a letter or offer a quote for our website. This can be anonymous if you prefer.
Contact us at alliancehospicenewton@gmail.com
Become a Volunteer
Alliance Hospice Care would not exist without our volunteers! Every day, volunteers inspire residents, their families, staff and others through the simple act of sharing the gifts of time and talent. Volunteer at Alliance Hospice, and you take a thoughtful role in people’s lives at a time when your efforts are most needed. You give something that money cannot buy: your helping hands, friendship and personal interest. In return, you feel loved and receive the deep fulfillment that comes with bringing joy to the lives of others. Learn more about becoming a volunteer
Create a Memorial
You may also make a memorial or tribute gift in someone’s memory. We will send a personal acknowledgment to individuals whom you designate, notifying them of your thoughtful gesture. The amount of your gift will not be disclosed. For more information about creating a memorial, call us at (617) 402-5202.